Acupuncture Versus Western Medicine
When one thinks of acupuncture, what are some of the images that typically come to mind? Instantly, though, a picture of a black kettle pot with a bunch of concoctions and needles should come to mind. On the other hand, acupuncture therapy does not have to concoct such awful images in one's head. However, if you have ever thought about the possibility that acupuncture may be able to replace Western medicine you are sorely mistaken. On the other hand, there are some important distinctions between the two fundamental ideas of medicine, and in this article the idea of acupuncture will go head to head in an effort to compete against Western medicine.
Hormones and All that Good Stuff in Healthy Aging
Stomach weight is associated with making the arteries age. Your arteries supply blood through out your whole system and if these become blocked it can cause many problems for you. Obesity can lead to a heart attack, memory loss, the skin will wrinkle and strokes can occur too, which is all caused from the blocked arteries. Your diet plays an important role in helping to keep these arteries clear. You need to include a certain amount of goods fats in you diet if nothing else eating nuts for a snack.
Keeping the mind busy and enjoying activity helps the brain and it will help prevent depression, anxiety and stress. Everyone seems to get these three things as we age because we slow down and don’t get out enough. It is very important to be with people and get that exercise to keep your mind from thinking and worrying so much.
Be Healed Naturally Using Alternative Herbal Medicine
The belief of natural healing involves the use of 100% natural techniques and ingredients to promote better health. Synthetic medicines and modern medical technology are known to have side-effects that may prove to be fatal if not properly administered or performed.
Harmful Chemicals Found in Cigarettes
As smokers, little attention is paid to the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes or chose to ignore them. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals with at least 400 poisonous and more than 50, cancer-causing ones.
Nicotine is a strong poisonous and addictive drug.
Tar is a black and sticky residue used to cover road surfaces. It clogs up the lungs and causes lung cancer.
Choosing an Acupuncture School
One important thing to remember when trying to choose a school to learn acupuncture in is where the professors are from and where they started out at. Many professors that teach acupuncture courses in university and college settings may not have the depth required for some people who are generally interested in learning more about the acupuncture method. For example, one of the reasons that I would choose an acupuncture school is if the professors who are teaching the course actually studied under the Chinese culture and a Chinese teacher who knew all the different facets, ins and outs, as well as the benefits and downsides to the method of acupuncture. For some people the issue of authenticity is truly important and acupuncture schools and professors vary greatly across the board when it comes to this issue.
The Basics of Shiatsu Massage
Ever since shiatsu massage therapy was brought into the healthcare market, many people has been benefiting from it. It is now popular worldwide and if you are reading this, you are probably interested to try it too. Why not? But first, let's see how shiatsu will benefit you.
Health Philosophy
Shiatsu adheres to the philosophy that in order to have healthy benefits, the vital energy, 'qi' for Chinese people and 'ki' for Japanese people, should flow the entire body through its meridians, which are the series of pathways. Other oriental health massage or therapy practices, like the acupuncture, also use these meridians principle likewise believing that these can be blocked once energy is not allowed to flow freely, subsequently producing symptoms of some diseases.
Get Healthier with Herbal Medicine
Alternative herbal medicine offers a healthy solution for a total body makeover. You don’t have to dish out thousands of dollars a month just to keep your body in top shape. It's true that there are plenty of high-end medical equipments and synthetic drugs made by pharmaceutical companies to help you fight health-related problems, but the cost of the treatment and side-effects might prove to be a hindrance to you rather than a benefit.
Healthy Facts About Herbal Medicines
As the name suggest, herbal medicines are made from plants. There are certain plants that contain chemicals and extracts that is highly beneficial to the human body. Herbal products sold in health and fitness shops today uses only 100% natural ingredients to fight certain health conditions. The aim of this natural healing method is to boost the body's immune system to fight off ailments naturally, rather than subject your body to synthetic chemicals that might prove harmful to your health.
Obesity and Pre-Diabetes
You can be diagnosed with pre-diabetes before you actually get diabetes. In pre-diabetes
you have higher than normal blood sugars but they are not at the level that they would
need to be in order to be considered diabetic. If you are obese or severely overweight and
pre-diabetic there are steps you can take to put off the actual diagnosis of diabetes or
prevent it.
The same test is used for pre-diabetes as it is for diabetes. Once you find out that you
have pre-diabetes you can make a plan with your doctor to prevent the onset of the
disease. By losing weight and either adding or increasing your level of physical activity
you can delay diabetes for quite sometime. There have been people who have gone on to
maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise and have remained in the pre-
diabetic phase for their lives.
If you are not able to get down to your goal weight, just losing a small amount can be
beneficial. It takes an additional strain off of your body by lessening the need of the
amount of insulin that is produced. There are many other benefits that you will also get
by reducing your body weight including increased energy and cardiovascular health.
Most times, doctors do not test for diabetes unless there are risk factors present including
age (over 45 years old). But if you are considered obese, your doctor will probably order
the appropriate glucose test each year at your physical examination to check for pre-
diabetes and diabetes.
What to do to Treat Down Syndrome?
Although there is no permanent or real cure to Down syndrome, you can certainly find ways to alleviate the various symptoms. Several individuals have successfully coped with the effects of the problem by simply living healthier lifestyles and finding the right alternatives. You do not need to shell out much and can continue to live fairly normal lives.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is an effective way to treat Down syndrome among children, especially for symptoms that arise later in life. At this time, basic skills have already been practised so there are many levels of severity in the symptoms. Consulting a physical therapist early on can help determine if the person can start a physical therapy program. The program can help individuals cope by learning how to do basic moves and actions like sitting, walking and standing. Children with Down syndrome actually walk and do things later compared to other kids. Special practice is required for kids to learn how to jump, climb, sit and roll over.
The Role of the Physical Therapist
The physical therapist can design programs that will help children specifically address problems like sitting up, holding the head up straight and rolling over. The problems may show that the patient has a weak upper spine or need special treatment like surgery or the like to help support the neck muscles. Physical therapy offers advantages such as improving strength, flexibility and endurance.
Refining skills are also needed by Down syndrome kids, so a physical therapist can still help patients learn how to stand properly, sit properly, correct posture and walk well. Some of the other associated problems to be fixed include back pain, knee problems and twisted legs. Habits, stances and techniques can be relearned too.
Things to Address
Newborns have concerns to be addressed and treated such as provision of adequate emotional support and knowing more information regarding the syndrome. Infants have to be protected against infections and colds. Therapies, without the inclusion of drugs, should be considered for safety. During early childhood, there are developmental milestones that need to be reached. Although it is expected for patients not to attain these, some supportive measures like diet and exercise, prevention of common sicknesses, improvement in behavior and development of social skills can greatly help.
During the middle and late childhood stages, parents should help kids gain more independence, develop social skills, as well as enhance the ability to learn. Adolescent and young adult patients have to deal with the smooth transition into adulthood. Planning is essential, so that the child can deal with the different challenges that come with age. Sexuality and relationship issues also need to be addressed.
Other Things to Treat
The patient needs to see a registered dietitian to prescribe the right meal plans and other nutritional strategies that will effectively treat weight problems. Make sure the Down syndrome patient gets enough exercise and recognizes the importance of physical activity. Depression also needs to be treated as soon as noticed.
A licensed therapist and guidance counselor can help develop programs and other strategies such as talk therapy and occupational therapy that will help the patient express and provide outlets for internal issues. Management techniques will also be taught. As a last resort, medications may also be prescribed to help control mental symptoms and aid patients recover faster.
Acupuncture: Questions & Answers
Whether you are new to finding out about acupuncture or you are a professional in the field, chances are that you've always loved to learn about new therapies and training techniques. In the American society, acupuncture is one therapy that has recently been introduced and has been made more popular by a whole lot of people. On the other hand, the Chinese civilizations have long known about acupuncture and its effectiveness on the body. This is just the tip of the iceberg, though, and there is plenty more to learn about the age-old therapy of acupuncture.
Question 1: Will Acupuncture Work for Any and All Ailments?
Answer 1: There are many people who believe that Acupuncture will work for any and all ailments, but there are probably some diseases and ailments that just simply are not cured by acupuncture. For starters, little research has been done to see whether or not the acupuncture therapy will work for those who are suffering from HIV and AIDS. Other than those two diseases, though, there are probably hundreds of other common ailments that aren't cured by the age-old technique, too. In addition, it's not possible that every single disease and ailment could be studied by the therapy of acupuncture, so there are just some cases and diseases that are not known whether or not acupuncture is successful!
Question 2: Will Acupuncture Prevent any Illnesses?
Answer 2: The Chinese believe that the pressure points along the body are the ones that are responsible for most of the bodily pain that we feel. In believing this, though, the theory would also have to go by the fact that by practicing acupuncture then there are naturally going to be some illnesses that are automatically avoided? Of course, avoiding these types of illnesses usually requires strict adherence and practice of acupuncture almost daily, if not just regularly in an attempt to foster preventive care within the body.
Question 3: Why Did Acupuncture Originate?
There are many theories as to the reason of when acupuncture originated and how it came to be in the United States, among many other countries, but not many discussions shed light on the matter of why this therapy came to be. Most likely, however, the absence of any types of medications in the ancient Chinese civilizations brought about a yearning for a medical therapy that would work for almost any disease, illness, or ailment that humans felt. Even though this therapy is not scientifically based, there is still much to be learned from the therapy that Chinese cultures have relied heavily upon for so many years.
These are just some of the questions and mysteries surrounding the practice of acupuncture. There are plenty of acupuncture professional therapists around the world, especially in the Chinese culture, which will also help answer any other questions that one may have. In the end, though, it comes down to the real benefit of acupuncture which should lead people to their trust in this therapy that has come all the way around the world!
Aikido in Everyday Life to Increase Your Health
The modern martial art from Japan called Aikido is often referred to as the "art of peace" because it espouses a quick peaceful end to any form of aggression. In the practice place of Aikido, usually called dojo, students will be able to learn about flexibility and adaptation. Both of these are results of a relaxed manner that Aikido students strive to embody.
The reason why being relaxed and calm is taught in Aikido practice is because at the heart of its principles of spirituality and philosophy, Aikido masters and instructors believe that the ki or ch'i or energy can only truly flow in its complete potential energy when one is relaxed. It is in this relaxed state that ki flows freely and smoothly. This philosophy that ki is a force that is very strong and fundamental.
It is believed to be superior to muscle and physical strength, which sometimes hinders the ki. In fact, in Aikido, instead of muscle and strength building, flexibility and endurance is part of the Aikido martial art training. Now, it said that to be able to truly harness the power of the ki, it must be allowed to flow. It can only flow properly within us when we are in a relaxed state. The relaxed state cannot be built like muscles through exercise. A spiritual journey must be taken upon by an Aikido student to be able to achieve the state of calm and peace that is vital in combat.
In constant defense and fear, we tend to be too busy to concentrate and are easily distracted. Aikido stresses this fact and so it teaches its students to remain calm in the face of an assault. Remaining calm puts an advantage over the assailant because you will not be caught of guard and unaware and therefore will not be toppled over or thrown. More advanced techniques teach students not only to fall properly, but also to be able to rebound and plant a counter attack as one rises from a fall.
Beyond combat and the dojo however, Aikido masters and instructors cultivate the development of spirituality and character within Aikido students so that they can apply Aikido principles everyday in life. True understanding of Aikido simultaneously promotes better performance in practice combats as well as in performance in everyday life.
Aikido everyday in life is akin to having an unshakable peace and calm that enables you to have the strength needed to withstand even the toughest of life's challenges. Remember that Aikido teaches students about flexibility, adaptability, calm and clarity. All these are useful tools in dealing with life, so say Aikido practitioners.
Some Aikido martial artists tend to relate Aikido combat principles to everyday life like work, play and personal relationships. This results in a true oneness in the practice of Aikido everyday in life. In Aikido training, there is such a thing as uke and nage. One cannot exist without the other. Uke makes an assault on nage and consequently is the receiver of the Aikido technique which nage uses to neutralize uke's attack energy with. In training using uke and nage, one will be able to get better in Aikido techniques by learning from each other and gaining each others strengths and battling each others weaknesses together.
If this is something that you want to cultivate in your life then Aikido everyday in life is something that you might want to take up and learn.
Famous Alternative Herbal Medicines Used Today
Alternative herbal medicines are being used by many in today's societies to promote a healthy lifestyle. Despite the availability of modern medical treatment methods, many are still opting for the natural healing method to avoid side-effects and getting as much savings as possible from the treatment.
In most cases, herbal products today vary according to their formulation and functions. Most of the ones you see today are carefully formulated for weight loss. Some comes in the form of diet supplements to give the body enough energy to last the day, as well as to build up the immune system to ward of any signs of ailments easily.
Why Go For Herbal Medicines?
Herbal medicines are proven to be safe by many doctors and medical experts today. It is formulated with 100% natural ingredients that have no side-effects in the body unless taken in large doses outside the boundaries of the prescription. Since the ingredients are mostly from plant and animal extracts, they are cheaper compared to synthetic medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies today.
One of the advantages of using herbal medicine is that it promotes the natural healing method. Unlike synthetic drugs that only affect a specific part of our body or only address one type of health problem, herbal medicines are formulated to boost every single function in the human anatomy.
If you see that one herbal product is for weight loss, then you can be sure that it has some extra ingredients that has other functions that is related to weight loss -- like hunger suppressant, added nutrients, and so on. To add to your knowledge about herbal medicines, here are some examples of the famous ones being used today.
The Ever-Popular Garlic
Garlic is one of the most potent herbal medicines used as home remedies today. It has the most number of uses compared to other plants used in herbal products. Aside from being a useful kitchen spice for a great recipe, garlic can also be used to keep you heart and liver healthy. They are great for the common cold and offer a tasty brew when used as a health drink.
One of the medicinal qualities of Garlic is its ability to treat heart problems. It is a common remedy for people with high-blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Many also use garlic as an anti-bacterial agent for many skin conditions.
Green Tea Leaves
The Green Tea Leaves you see in the market today is actually a potent herbal medicine if used correctly. Drinking it at least twice a day can help oxidize your fat to make it easier for your body to burn. This a great dietary supplement for people who are suffering from overweight or obesity with high cholesterol levels.
Many say that Green Tea Leaves also has a calming effect that is perfect for those who are always under the mercy of stress. Its extracts has the ability to get rid of nasty toxins in our body that usually cause signs of aging to appear on our face or in other parts of the body. You can either take them as tea or buy them as pills.
There are other alternative herbal medicines used to promote a healthy body. Keep in mind that you have to be specific with what you want for your treatment before using them to avoid complications. Just make sure that it is from a credible medical or pharmaceutical company, as well as follow the exact prescription or dosage to ensure that you won't be having any problems with it during and after use.
Socializing to Continue Healthy Aging
It is always a good thing to have friends, which you can socialize with. There are so many good things about being around people. It is difficult living alone without someone there to lend you an ear when needed. Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with consume souls, which rarely take the time to share and listen to others. Still, you can find someone in the billions of people in the world who will listen. When you are alone you, feel lonely. At this time your body and mind endures unwarranted stress from lack of socialization. Experts tell us all the time to get out and enjoy life, since withering away, locked behind the walls of your home will affect your health.
What problems can non-socializing cause?
Non-socialization can affect your mind and body. Usually a person who refuses to socialize will sit around dawdling in self-pity. The mind starts to stress out, which leads to depression. While you may enjoy being alone away from stressful relationships, you need balance since sometimes you need company. You need to be active so you stay healthy you need to socialize with people like you need the sunshine. With out socialism you will feel tried and sick all the time.
Why is socializing good for me?
Socializing is good for you, since it gets you out to meet other people. As well, you keep active, which great for building and strengthening the bones, joints and muscles. Studies were conducted with proven results stating that those who stay active can live to healthy aging.
What can I do to meet more people?
There are many ways to meet people. You can visit your local stores and meet new people. Taking a walk is a great way to say hi to passer-bys. You never know you might find a friend for life. Maybe you would like to go to a local church. Church is a great way to meet people. Perhaps you can get involved with church groups and join in group activities. Give your time to a local shelter for people in need that would be a wonderful way to meet people. Maybe at your place of place of employment, you can become familiar with one of your fellow workers. Getting out to enjoy the world is a great way to live a healthy aging life. If you just sit home, you are waiting for something to happen. You are missing all the things the world has to offer you.
When you sit home, alone your health will slowly fade away. At what time your health diminishes you will feel sickly. You have to get out and enjoy life this way you will stay healthier and enjoy life to the fullest. Staying active will make you happy and you will have more of a healthier life.
One thing you want to keep in mind, as you age your bodily functions start to change. You will notice these changes.
One of the first things that start to decline is the musculoskeletal system. This system is designed to give you strength and energy. When this system starts to degenerate, you have less time to spend in the world. To keep the system healthy one must exercise, eat right and socialize.
When you socialize, activities will follow. As you see socialism provides you a means to carry forward in life without weakening the musculoskeletal system, more than aging alone will cause it to degenerate.
You have options. On this note, take action now to live your healthy aging life with success following your every path.
The Problems of Metabolic Linked with Obesity and Diabetes
If you are considered obese, especially with an above average amount of abdominal fat
and are insulin resistant, you may have what is known as metabolic syndrome. It is
important to note that you can be insulin resistance and not actually have diabetes – yet.
If you are insulin resistant you may be what is termed pre-diabetes.
If you are insulin resistant, your body is not using the insulin your pancreas is producing
effectively. Your pancreas will continue to produce more and more insulin but your body
will not use it and cannot derive the energy from the food you eat. This condition can be
passed on from another member of the family but it is also caused by obesity and
As with diabetes, the risk factors for having metabolic problems – metabolic syndrome –
are quite similar. Age is a risk factor, the older you are the chances of having this are
greater. Almost half of the people with metabolic syndrome are over the age of 60 but
symptoms have been seen in children and adults in their 20’s. Another risk factor for
having this syndrome is race, people from a Hispanic or Asian backgrounds are at a
higher risk than others. And as mentioned there is also the hereditary factory.
Being obese with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 25 is a factor too. The difference
with this factor from the others is that most people have an element of control over this.
If they are able to lose weight and exercise they can reduce or eliminate this contributor
towards metabolic syndrome.
Lossing Weight Using Herbal Medicine
Herbal products are not only being used for treating diseases or common health-related problems. Alternative herbal medicine is now being integrated into weight loss programs to promote proper body functions while shedding excess fat to achieve a trim and lean body.
Herbal Weight Loss Program
Weight loss programs today are making use of herbal medicines considering that it is safe to use and without any side-effects. Synthetic weight loss pills are often laced with restrictions that may prove to be a problem for individuals who have a fixed dietary preference or lifestyle. In most cases, this weight loss solution may limit a person's meals, physical movement, and can be very expensive to purchase.
Herbal weight loss medicines use 100% natural ingredients from plants and animals. The concept behind this method includes the right nutrients integrated into the body in order to promote normal body functions, and to activate certain hormones for breaking down cholesterol, burning calories, improved metabolic function, and so on.
Usage Of Herbal Products For Weight Loss
The use of herbal products depends upon the potency and nature of the medicine. Most are taken before or after meals, while some are termed as supplements to boost a body's performance during physical workout. However, it is very important for an individual to consult an expert first before taking in herbal medicine for weight loss. There are possibilities that usage might result to allergic reactions with your normal body chemistry that could lead to health complications.
It would be best to check out the labels of these herbal products to determine their exact ingredients that would be useful for your weight loss program. If you have no idea what an ingredient does, then you can either consult an expert or do some research on the Internet to tell you what it is all about.
Such is the case; it is essential for an individual to utilize herbal products effectively for their weight loss program by taking in measured doses according to the prescription of your medical expert, as well as avoiding self-medication that would lead to complications.
Some Herbal Ingredients Useful For Weight Loss
There are different types of weight loss herbal medicines being used today and each varies according to the ingredients used in it. Keep in mind, however, that no herbal product can address the entirety of your weight problem. They work only to promote a specific function that will help you get rid of excess weight.
For example, Guggul is a well-known ingredient used in herbal weight loss products today. The extract from this plant is known to regulate the cholesterol levels in the human body. This is a very effective medicine for obese or overweight individuals.
Hoodia Gordoni is also one of the well-celebrated ingredients in weight loss herbal product. The flower of this desert plant has the ability to intercept the stimulus of hunger from the brain and lessen a person's food intake. Aptly termed as a hunger suppressant, Hoodia is perfect for those who have eating problems.
There are also other herbal products that utilize some ingredients that would help in your weight loss program, but is considered to be dangerous due to its adverse effect when the dosage is not properly controlled. Senna is a well-known laxative that is mainly used for removing waste materials in our digestive tract. Possible reaction to this herbal component may include diarrhea, dehydration, and constipation.
Signs and Symptoms of Down Syndrome
Although the signs and symptoms of Down syndrome are very distinct, there are still others that might confuse both doctors and patients. Knowing the characteristics, nature and triggers can be very valuable for finding immediate alleviation measures. You can also avoid complications by checking for the early signs. Here are the complete details.
Incidence and Age
About 1 out of every 1,000 births in the United States results in Down syndrome. There is no link between the condition and ethnic group, socioeconomic status, geographic location and culture. It is a genetic condition primarily, and can display characteristics like cognitive disability, developmental delays and mental retardation. The chances of a person getting Down syndrome is greatly related to the age of his or her mother. Below the age of 25, the incidence is around 1 in every 1,400. At 40 years old, the odds are an estimated 1 in every 100 and about 1 in every 350 at age 35.
Down Syndrome Types
There are 3 types of the condition namely Trisomy 21, Mosaicism and Translocation. Trisomy 21 is the first type which occurs in about 95 percent of individuals with Down syndrome. The patient 3 number 21 chromosomes, instead of 2. There are normally 23 pairs of chromosomes, with each comprised of genes. During conception, the man or woman's pair of chromosomes usually split so that there is only one chromosome found in each sperm or egg. In Trisomy 21, the 21st pair of chromosomes does not split. A double-does then goes to the sperm or egg. About 95% to 97% of the extra chromosome comes from the mother.
Mosaicism is described as a Down syndrome patient having an extra 21st chromosome in only a number of cells, but not in every single one. Other cells usually have the regular pair of 21st chromosomes. The Mosaicism type is the rarest, with only 1% to 2% of patients having it. Translocation happens in about 3% to 4% of Down syndrome patients. The extra part of the 21st chromosome usually attaches to another chromosome. One parent has the extra 21st chromosome material in hidden or balanced form.
The 24 Symptoms
The list of signs and symptoms of Down syndrome includes physical anomalies such as a protruding tongue, abnormally shaped ears, flattened face, snub nose, upward slanting eyes, short neck, flattened nasal bridge, deep palm crease, hypotonia, deep transverse crease of the palm, iris white spots or Brushfield spots, the baby not crying a lot, short stubby hands, short stubby feet and slow physical growth. Thyroid symptoms include autonomic disturbances, congenital hypothyroidism and an enlarged thyroid. The patient may also have mental retardation and developmental delay.
Other Conditions
Children may also develop other medical conditions associated to Down syndrome like cognitive disability or mental retardation. Several kids with Down syndrome have either moderate or mild cognitive disability. Heart defects may also arise in about half of kids with Down syndrome. The defects are found at birth or shortly after.
Other diseases can also be present like Celiac disease, eye conditions and hypothyroidism. Parents should be especially careful, since other health problems can also occur like hearing problems, eye infections, dental problems and respiratory infections. Tissue buildup in parts of the eye can happen. Crooked teeth may also be present later on in life, with an irregularly shaped mouth.
Acupuncture Is An Alternative to Prescription Drugs
There are thousands of individuals who are inflicted with physical and mental ailments and many people are diagnosed with these problems every year. What is troubling, though, is the fact that many times these patients are simply given prescription medications to treat the symptoms that they have as though prescription drugs are the miracle workers of society prancing around giving help to anyone who needs it. However, one method that many people don't give weight to is acupuncture. There are many reasons that even the mention of the alternative therapy of acupuncture may make heads turn, but it seems as though Western society is becoming too dependent as a whole on prescription medications. Everything from Zoloft to Xanax is given to patients in order to treat everything from Major Depression to common viral infections.
However, there needs to be more studies done about the effectiveness of the therapy of acupuncture and how it would eventually be able to help, if not replace, prescription drugs altogether. Just about 10 years ago, though, in 1998, the University of Arizona completed a double-blind study about the effectiveness of acupuncture.
In this study, patients who were suffering from Depression were treated with acupuncture while the other group was subjected to bouts of psychotherapy and prescription medication. In the end of the study by the university, they found that the patients who were inflicted with Depression had most of their symptoms relieved by the therapy of acupuncture. There have been other private studies done since then, however, none large enough that really attracted any authorities in the medical field. But still, the fact that the research at the University of Arizona pointed in the favor of acupuncture, it begs the question of why nothing has been done about it.
Since it has been shown that acupuncture can successfully treat Depression symptoms then there must definitely be more fund money and research that sheds light on the fact and reaches the conclusion that America and Western society must incorporate the therapy of acupuncture more wholly into the treatment of different ailments.
One of the problems with replacing prescription drugs with acupuncture, though, is the fact that prescription drugs are scientifically based. Whereas the effects of prescription drugs can clearly be seen by monitoring the pictures in patient's brain, acupuncture can not be readily studied, therefore, the physiological affects of such a therapy is not readily embraced. But why does Western society and America in general have a fear of the unknown? Perhaps the reason lies that many people consider their wealth to lie in the information and knowledge that they know.
All in all, though, acupuncture has already been proven to be effective by the thousands of people living in America and Western society who care to learn more about the therapy. It is now time to infiltrate the medical field and bombard all the researchers and physicians with accurate pictures of just how it works, and how it can be an effective way to get rid of the need for prescription drugs!
Consume The Right Vitamins Will Promote The Healthy Aging
People do not realize what vitamins can do for them. Vitamins are great for those who need them. On the other hand, if you have sufficient vitamins, then you will not need regimens of vitamins. Building vitamins in your system, which has too much already, or sufficient nutrients can cause harm. Vitamins will make you look younger and feel younger as well as make you feel good about yourself, providing you need regimens suited for your system.
How do I learn what vitamins are good for me?
We get natural vitamins in the foods we eat. Some times, you do not get the right amount so you have to take vitamins, which come in many ways. You can get them in a pill form, liquid, powder, etc. If the vitamins you choose do not work for you, your doctor can give you a shot. You can get almost all the vitamins you may need at local drug stores. You will find vitamins at supermarkets, department stores and so on. If you cannot determine which vitamins are right for you, check with your doctor. He may have some recommendations. In fact, you should visit your family doctor first and ask him/her, which vitamins may be suitable for your body type.
How vitamins help you:
Taking vitamins will help you to relieve stress. Vitamins will help control your weight, and help keep you from getting sick with the common cold and the flu. There are many vitamins to help you out. You can check out at your local pharmacy many different kinds. You pharmacist is your best friend as well as your doctor. He/she may be able to help you find out which vitamins are best suited for your body type.
What kinds of vitamins should I consider and for what purpose?
You have a wide array of vitamins to choose from, including B1, B12, B6, E, D, K, A, and so on. B1 is designed to help your heart function in order. The vitamin will assist your central nervous system as well, helping you to have a better attitude in life. B1 will give you energy, since it is known to swap blood sugar, transferring it to energy. B1 promotes a healthy mucous membrane, and will promote the muscular and cardio functions.
How to decide if you need vitamins:
Some things that you may feel if you are low on vitamins are fatigue. You may feel muscle tenderness, or experience insomnia. Insomnia can benefit from Melatonin supplements. You can get natural vitamins from corn breads, nuts, oatmeal, cereal, wheat and so on. Eat plenty of veggies and fruits also to get the vitamins you need.
If you have colds, you can benefit from Vitamin C. If you are searching for anti-aging vitamins consider E, since According to experts, Vitamin E is responsible for preserving oxygen in the blood, reduce more than 40% of the oxygen amount the heart needs as well. Vitamin E also has been linked to influential anti-coagulants. Some experts believe the vitamin will slow blood clotting by dilating the blood vessels. If you searching for the vitamin to help you stay young and healthy, then Vitamin E that contains 200 units is for you.
According to German experts Wolf and Luczak Vitamin E is a stabilizer for youth and strong blood. If this is true, then dying cells will be replaced quickly by new cells. Dying cells is responsible for many diseases, including cancer, AIDS, HIV, leukemia and so on. In fact, T-Cells that deteriorate is responsible for AIDS, certain types of cancers, herpes simplex, and so on.
Get The Longevity and The Healthy Aging
Since the 19th centuries, common prolonged existence or longevity is greater than before. At one time, the average male expected to live up until the mid forties, while the average female expected to live until the late forties. This seems illogical, since many of our older generation of people born in the 1900s are still around today. As our system advanced, experts found that people were living beyond the 70 and 80s. The longevity has changed dramatically providing the people gain. Still, in recent times, men are expected to live over 80 and women are expected to live past 90. Rarely do you see someone who has lived past 100 years of age. According to experts, a person living past 125 years of age has the same odds of finding a needle in a large haystack. Most people can live past 90 however providing they have quality medical care and their hereditary makeup is healthy.
Many illnesses today emerge from poor eating habits, lack of exercise, poor sleeping habits, and bad habits such as excessive drinking, drugs, nicotine, etc. Still, some people are marked at the beginning since they have genetic makeup that poses threats to their health. According to experts, genetic makeup is responsible for some cases of Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and so on. According to experts, genetics influences a person's longevity. If a person has a family history of disease, their risks are higher of coming in contract with the same or similar disease. In short, if a person has a high risk of genetic factors, the person will likely have a shorter living expectancy.
How do doctors consider longevity?
Doctors review family history to search for genetic factors that may show short or long life expectancy. If you have a history of diabetes, the doctor will take actions to reduce your risks, yet it may not help stop the disease. Doctors also consider your lifestyle. Do you smoke? Do you have an alcohol problem? Do you have drug problems? Do you have anorexia or bulimia? Do you exercise? If you answered no to each question, then likely you will live a longer and improved life. On the other hand, if you answered yes to these questions you can expect to live a shorter lifespan.
Doctors will also consider factors, such as environment when considering longevity. If you live in an area where toxins are high, likely you will have unnatural exposure to these toxins, which shortens your life. Even if your genetic makeup illustrates longevity, your environment plays part in how long you can live.
Doctors consider medical care. If you have a history of visiting your doctor often, then you will have a better chance at living healthy. Medical care is the process of reducing risks of disease, preventing disease and finding treatments for pending disease.
What you should know:
Did you know that some types of not all cancers are curable providing the disease is spotted early? Did you know that Alzheimer’s disease is curable if the disease is caught in the early stages? Did you know that most diseases are curable, providing the disease is caught at an early stage?
If you know this, you will see that medical care is essential to live healthy while aging. Since the 19th centuries, medical experts have come along way. In addition, the experts continue to find ways to help people live a longer life. Doctors took their roles in life because they care about your health (at least most) therefore listen to the considerations that doctors focus on to help you live a healthy aging life.
Why People Can Get Down Syndrome
Although the main causative aspect for Down syndrome is genetic, a number of findings suggest that some other factors may also be contributory to the development of the abnormality. It is vital to know about these to stay safe. Early detection and consistency in the prevention and treatment approaches can help a lot in alleviating the problem.
About Types and Causes
Normal human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes. A chromosome in every pair stems from the father, while the other comes from the mother. There are 3 types of abnormal cell division that involves he 21st chromosome. The cause of Down syndrome is considered to be one of the three types. All three abnormal divisions lead to the extra genetic material from chromosome 21, which is functional for the unique features and developmental problems that is Down syndrome.
In the case of Trisomy 21, the condition is caused by abnormal cell division that occurs while the sperm cell or egg cell is still developing. Patients with trisomy 21 have 3 copies of the chromosome 21 instead of the regular 2. The Mosaic type is rare, caused by the abnormal cell division after fertilization. Kids in this case, have cells with an extra copy of chromosome 21. Translocation type has the regular 2 copies of the chromosome 21, as well as additional material from chromosome 21 attached to the chromosome being translocated. This occurs before or during conception. Environmental and behavioral factors are not known to cause Down syndrome.
On Inheritance
Majority of Down syndrome are actually not inherited. There are mistakes that occur during cell division as the egg, embryo or sperm develops. The translocation Down syndrome is the only type that can be passed from the parents to the kids. Only around 4% of Down syndrome patients have the translocation type. Around 50% of the cases are inherited from either parent. During the occurrences, the father or the mother is a balanced carrier of the translocation, meaning that he or she has a kind of rearranged genetic material, with no extra genetic material. A balanced carrier displays no sign or symptom of the condition, although the translocation can be passed on to the children.
The possibility of passing on the translocation type will depend on the gender of the parent that has the rearranged chromosome 21. There is a risk of around 3% if the father is the carrier. There is a 12% risk if the mother is the carrier.
On Maternal Age
Most cases of Down syndrome is caused by a random event during the formation of reproductive cells, the sperm or ovum. The incidence of Down syndrome actually grows as the mother grows older or with increasing maternal age. Not all parents with translocation trisomy 21 actually are balanced carriers. There may be zero risk in future pregnancies. As mothers grow older, the possibility of errors will grow as close as having a ratio of 1:12 when they reach 45 years old.
Increasing Risk
Several experts recommend that pregnant women age 35 years old or older should undergo prenatal tests and diagnostic procedures to find the possibility of Down syndrome. Using maternal age alone does not detect more than 75% of pregnancies that lead to Down syndrome. It is important that women consider their age as a factor to determine the cause of the problem.
Chinese Herbal Medicine for Western Children
The pharmacologic industry is one of the most promising and progressing business of the present. An increase in the awareness and focus of research and development on medicine has triggered a big push to drug manufacturing.
With the main driving force of improving the lives and promoting human longevity; researchers, scientists, and businessmen have jumped into the business of creating medications for the sick, as well as for those who want to prevent further illness.
The western civilization brought industrially prepared medicine, and sold at commercial markets while the eastern part of the globe saw the need for intervention of natural means of preparation through alternative herbal medicine.
East Meets West
It may very well be said that Western medicine is technologically advanced and came about with the notion of curing an existing illness. It is on the forefront of stopping and getting rid of a susceptible disease or complications.
As for Eastern medication, it is historically rooted and is based on centuries' worth of human existence, with the idea of preventing illnesses from happening in the first place. It is in the background of keeping our bodies healthy and sickness free.
As for the fusion of the old and the new, past and present, technology and tradition, and western and eastern ideologies, alternative herbal medicine was produced. Pharmacological firms embraced the idea of herbal and natural medication in line with their own synthetically made variants to provide an option for everyone in need of medicine.
Sensitive and Fragile
Those who are in need of medication take prescribed drugs, some of which are quite harmful to other cells, and organs. The liver is one of the body's organs hit hard by drug intervention when it synthesizes and tries to bind the specific components to our body's cells. The more unnaturally existing and synthetic the drug is, the more it is at risk for our body to react against. This is even more risky for fragile bodies such as our kids.
Our kids' bodies are still growing, their minds and way of thinking still developing. They are also prone to infection and sickness because of their increased activity without much conscious protective measures. Giving them industrially created drugs expose their bodies to harmful chemicals even if these drugs cure them of their sickness.
They too have their own immune system to provide immediate and automatic protection from harmful elements both in and out of their bodies. However, bacteria and other environmental factors overpower them much like with adults. The only difference is that young children are still building up their body's defenses.
Prevention and Herbal Medication
With the application of research and development on naturally occurring plants in our environment, it is now possible to give alternative herbal medicine to our children. Certain drug companies adhere to the idea of natural medication since it is beneficial not only to children, but to anyone in terms of less adverse reaction of the body. This is because the components of alternative herbal medicine are naturally occurring, organic, and supports life processes.
Administering alternative herbal medicine to children does not stress their livers because organic compounds from the plant source can be easily synthesized as compared to synthetic ones. Herbal supplements also are safe to take on a daily basis as prescribed to prevent sickness and illnesses from occurring.
Is Acupuncture Real or Just a Myth?
There are hundreds of thousands of individuals within the United States and elsewhere who have seemed to embrace the idea and practice of acupuncture as something that is real and can be used to treat a wide variety of issues. On the other hand there are hundreds of thousands of other people who are on the exact opposite of the fence. Some people believe the idea of acupuncture is a myth, while others know to the core of their being that acupuncture therapy is real, not imagined. Whatever the case in your belief system, though, chances are that you have at least heard of the acupuncture myth controversy that some people have started in the United States and throughout the world.
Why Acupuncture is Considered a Myth
Many people consider acupuncture to be a myth because there are already so many myths in the Chinese culture that have not yet been debunked. Further to that, many people logically process the thought that just because the Chinese considered the acupuncture therapy to be real thousands of years ago does not mean that the traditions were carried on and the affects were real. For many, the idea of acupuncture leads to imagery of ancient Chinese people concocting special recipes that only serve as to buffer the whole myth of acupuncture therapy. Some people say that these people simply don't know what they're talking about. Acupuncture professionals in the Chinese culture have rejected those who say that acupuncture therapy is a total myth.
Why Acupuncture is Considered Very Real
As mentioned, by professional and authoritative Chinese experts in Asia as well as other countries throughout the world reject the idea that the whole concept of acupuncture therapy could be a myth. What is the reason that they reject that notion, though? The main reason, and perhaps the most important reason, too, is the fact that these acupuncture experts have actually experienced the healing properties of the process of acupuncture. For these people, they are confident by the fact that they are able to heal through this very delicate process and are confused as to why anybody would doubt the whole miracle!
Any Middle Ground?
We have heard arguments for the myth side of acupuncture and we have also heard arguments for the reasoning behind believing in acupuncture, but is there any middle ground to the issue? Is it possible that there could be some myths associated with the medicine techniques, but most of the acupuncture therapy is actually a real thing? On the contrary, though, there can hardly be any middle ground to something or some idea that is either false or true. Many acupuncture defenders contend that their way of healing is the absolute right way and they also say that if one is to be too skeptical about the whole issue then the best thing to do would be to try it out for themselves! Indeed, personal experience is what is most important, and the issue of acupuncture certainly warrants the experience!
Exercise to Avoid The Diabetes
When you get the diabetes, exercise is will help control your blood sugar levels. But if youare overweight or obese and diabetic, exercise will also help you lose weight. As adiabetic, there are additional considerations and precautions that you need to take beforeyou begin an exercise routine. And once you have begun, you always need to be awareof the risks involved.
It is ideal to wait before your exercise if your blood glucose level is too low or high. You
sugar is on the low side and you begin to exercise. The physical exertion can cause your
blood sugar to drop even further which can become an emergency situation. As a
precaution, if you are exercising at a gym make sure the staff are aware of your condition
and have emergency instructions and numbers to call. If you walk or run on your own
outside, keep identification on you that advises you are diabetic along with contact phone
numbers, a snack, and instructions.
For other tips on exercising with diabetes, you can follow the same guidelines that make
sense for everyone else. Stretch before and after exercising, drink plenty of fluids, and
don’t push yourself too hard. It is a smart idea to check your blood sugars before and
after exercising and if you are feeling light-headed during your work-out check it then
As feet problems are common in diabetics, wear proper footwear and socks. If you
notice any sores on your feet that are not going away on their own, see your doctor. If
they are not healing they can lead to an infection and other related complications. Even
though there are risks involved to exercising, the benefits make it worth it.
Natural Healing Method Using Alternative Herbal Medicine
Medical practitioners of the Orient are know to incorporate natural healing methods with alternative herbal medicines. Instead of undergoing expensive medical treatment using synthetic and modern technologies, many find the natural method along with alternative herbal medicine a cost-effective solution to achieve the perfect health.
The belief of natural healing involves the use of 100% natural techniques and ingredients to promote better health. Synthetic medicines and modern medical technology are known to have side-effects that may prove to be fatal if not properly administered or performed.
The Benefits Of The Natural Healing Method
The natural healing method delves into the capability of the human body to adapt and recover without any outside help. Our bodies are equipped with its own defense mechanism towards illnesses and diseases. The method aims to strengthen this ability to boost the immune system to fight off health-related problems without any side-effects or complications.
Natural healing doesn’t only deal with physical health problems. In fact, it has been documented and proven that this method can also be used for mental and emotional ailments. Certain herbal compounds are known to induce relaxation to help a person deal with stress without having to take in synthetic products that can cause side-effects to crop up during use.
Certain plant extracts and aroma can directly affect the mind when inhaled and is most often used on patients suffering from behavioral problems. There are also some plants that can help the body relax when applied directly on the skin -- like peppermint extract that can relax tight muscles that is usually attributed to stress. Natural healing method with herbal medicines can also help in weight loss programs for a slimmer and healthier body.
The art of acupuncture originated from the Chinese. It delves into the energy pathways in the human body called meridians. The oriental health experts believe that ailments and diseases are caused by blocked meridians that disrupt the flow of positive healing energy from circulating throughout the body.
Needles charged with positive energy are inserted into these meridian points to clear up the blockage, as well as to stimulate the flow of healthy energy deep within the body. Certain herbal medicines and concoctions are administered to their patients to increase the volume of healing energy for a full-body recovery.
Reiki and Qi Gong
Reiki and Qi Gong involve the healing of an individual using the positive energies of both the practitioner and those that stem from the universe. The practitioner of the art inscribes symbols upon the afflicted area on the human body and directs their energies into it for healing. Herbal medicines are given to their patients to amplify these positive energies for the treatment to yield beneficial results.
Proper Use Of Herbal Medicines
Despite the safe and beneficial results of using natural healing methods with alternative herbal medicine, there is a possibility that some adverse reactions might take place that might become a problem when left unchecked.
Despite the natural ingredients used in herbal products, we can never deny the fact that our body's chemistry might react to it. There are even some natural healing methods that might cause problems instead of getting rid of it.
Such is the case; it is very important to consult an expert first before undertaking this solution. Have a full body check-up with your doctor and subject yourself to a complete laboratory exam to determine whether your body can use the treatment method safely or not.
Shiatsu Massage – A Worldwide Popular Acupressure Treatment
Most physical and psychological complaints are better treated by going to a qualified physician; however, alternative medicines or treatments can greatly aid in making these conditions better. As a matter of fact, alternative treatments, such as the shiatsu massage, are becoming well-trusted and relied on by many people. Even celebrities and Hollywood individuals go to alternative doctors, therapists, and practitioners to improve their overall well being.
Shiatsu massage is just one of these applications that people actually rely on to bring improved overall health and uplifted spiritual condition. So, if you are suffering from physical and psychological complaints, shiatsu massage therapy can very well help improve your condition.
It does not totally treat but alleviate some body disorders like anxiety, depression, stress, stiffness, nausea, cramps, pulled muscles, cramps, and headaches. The shiatsu massage therapy is believed to help a lot by applying pressure points to the affected parts of the body.
Shiatsu massage is a form of Chinese acupressure method but actually has meaning of "shi," which means finger, and "atsu," which means pressure, from the Japanese language. It is sometimes referred to as the Zen shiatsu. By the philosophy of balancing energy, it unites philosophical, medical, and spiritual levels of the body.
The Popular Zen Shiatsu
The Zen shiatsu has become very popular that in the Western countries, massage techniques have evolved combining them with the philosophy that the energy, also called "chi" or "qi," is circulating along the passage channels, called meridians. If the energy is freely flowing along these meridians, it brings strong energy so that it fetches wasted energy away together with the body toxins.
But then, it is inevitable that this chi becomes diverted or blocked so that it upsets the natural balance of energy, or the Yin and Yang, causing your body to become physically and psychologically affected too. In order to free it with this negative condition, the blocked meridians must be cleared and the chi restored back by using shiatsu massage.
Another view from the Eastern perspective doesn't see headaches, depression, sleeplessness, swollen joins, and indigestion as discomfort sources; however cites them as symptoms or signs that there exists underproductive or hyperactive chi, either which can be negative condition. Similarly, the eastern perspective sees that shiatsu massage therapy is good for these conditions.
How Is Shiatsu Administered To You
Before you are applied with the massage therapy, the practitioner first makes any diagnosis, in this case, to assess or find where the energy or chi may be obstructed and siphoned or where it flows healthily. They will inquire if you are suffering from specific ailments. After which, they will administer some light massage to find where the tender or stiff pressure points are. After the diagnosis, firm pressure will be applied on the pressure points running along the fourteen meridians of your body through the use of their fingers, thumbs, palms, knuckles, knees, elbows, and feet.
As shiatsu massage is done on the clients with their clothes fully on, it is advised to wear garments that are loose, comfortable, and thin, like the linen or cloth, so it will be comfortable for them. As you receive the acupressure treatment, expect stretching, rotating, and manipulating of your pressure points, as well as deep breathing. You are also expected to experience a slightly uncomfortable condition after the massage but this is normal.
Combining shiatsu massage therapy with a good physical workout, healthy diet, and proper lifestyle can lead to an improved overall well being. Having it regularly applied on you can also become preventative as much as healing to some specific health and psychological conditions.
Enjoying Yoga to Live Healthy Aging
Yoga is a sort of exercise. Yoga assists one with controlling various aspects of the body and mind. Yoga helps you to take control of your Central Nervous System (CNS) and more. Enjoying yoga on a daily scale will build you up, which you will notice changes (Good changes), such as a boosted self-esteem. Your body will feel stronger also. For more than 5000 years, people have enjoyed yoga. Yoga derived from the India nations, which many believed that the act has helped millions of American citizens take control of their body and mind. Yoga has proven to reduce stress, which promotes the nervous system helping it to stay strong. Yoga when enjoyed on a regularly scale is a great method to help you with many pressures. Yoga combines spirituality, exercise, positive thinking, breathing and so on to help you enjoy healthy aging.
The Pros and Cons in Yoga:
Yoga is a valued practice for many people worldwide. Yoga incorporates fitness, health, gymnastics, and training in a set of rules. Yoga helps you to maintain or loose weight. Yoga is a stress reducing machine. Yoga will train your mind, since it teaches you to control your thoughts through meditation and breathing. Breathing right is essential to yoga’s creators. When you practice yoga, it keeps you in contact with your inner self. You learn to balance your mind and body, which leads to good health. Your emotions are controlled as well, which means fears, doubts, and other negative influences will not take control of your life. Rather you will have control. As you practice yoga, you will feel comfortable with you and the people around you. The world will become yours, since you learn to communicate effectively and stop sweating the small stuff. The cons in yoga, includes that some types of yoga training is not right for everyone. Another con inside yoga is that you sometimes have to modify the workouts to benefit your body type and to withhold the workout suited for your strengths. This is not a con necessarily, but it can be if you have to figure out where beginners start.
How to get started:
The first thing you should do is see your family doctor. Make sure you are able to enjoy the type of yoga you choose. When your doctor approves of your choice of yoga steps start out slowly. Guide your way into mediate exercising. Yoga will put you in connection with your spiritual side, so prepare to find a new you. When you first start yoga, perhaps you would benefit from joining groups that practice yoga. The group sessions may inspire you to continue your journey to healthy aging. Having support is essential for all of us, which yoga groups can become your support team. If you cannot find a group in your area, visit your local library. You can also purchase books that train you how to enjoy yoga. Videos are available as well.
Where do I go after I’ve trained in yoga?
After you have taking the steps to get started, you will need to find a quiet area that makes you feel comfortable. You want to avoid interruptions while practicing yoga.
When will I notice the change in me?
Like everything in life, you will not notice a change in you right away. It takes time to notice or feel the changes. If you do this like your suppose to do on a regular basis you will see some changes gradually. Keep in mind that yoga is teaching you how to control your mind, body and emotions. Work with yoga and yoga will work with you.
Support for Diabetics Struggling with Obesity
Everyone needs a little help now and then and shouldn’t be afraid to ask for it. A newly
diagnosed diabetic may feel overwhelmed with the restrictions that they are faced with
and not knowing how to plan meals. The support that is needed is from a dietician or
nutritionist. Depending on your goals and weight a dietician can provide you with a meal
plan that will meat the criteria of a healthy diabetic diet and help you lose weight.
In the beginning, the concern with a diabetic diet is to make sure you are getting enough
food so your blood sugar does not drop too low. You will also want to monitor your
levels to look for any spikes in your readings too. A dietician can work with you on this.
If you are eating the recommended diet plan and it is not working, you are feeling hungry
afterwards or your blood sugar is too high – call your dietician. He or she can work with
you over the phone to make immediate changes and schedule an appointment to rework
your plan.
Your dietician can also make recommendations on substitutions for your favorite foods
that you were afraid you could never eat again. They will educate you on portion sizes
too. There really isn’t too much that you can’t have as a diabetic as long as you are
planning your meals out, getting exercise and eating in moderation.
Food guides change and your dietician or nutritionist will have the most up to date
version. Try and follow it and combine foods as you have been taught by your support
team. If you are unsure if something is allowable on your diabetic diet, call your
dietician for advice and if you can’t reach them leave a message and hold off until you
hear back from them.
Losing Weight and Controlling Blood Sugar
If you are a diabetic and are overweight or considered clinically obese, you can improve your overall health and the management of your diabetes by losing weight. It may seem like an overwhelming goal if you have tried in the past to lose weight and have failed. But there are steps you can take and support you can utilize to help you reach your goals.
The first step to losing weight is to set a short-term goal for yourself. You can do this on your own but can also get help from your doctor or a dietician. A good goal when
starting to lose weight is to take a small percentage of your overall weight and aim to lose
that much in your time frame. For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds aim to lose weight
5% of your body weight to begin (10 pounds). When you lose weight as a diabetic you
are helping your body by lessening your insulin requirements. Weight loss will also
assist you in keeping your blood sugar levels under control.
Another method to lose weight is physical activity and exercise. Getting your body
moving will increase your metabolism and that act will assist in losing weight too. Not
only will increased metabolism aid in weight loss, it will also help in controlling blood
glucose levels. Your body will be processing food more efficiently.
Diet and exercise go hand-in-hand with weight loss. It also takes patience and time but
as you begin the road to weight loss the benefits you will derive as a diabetic will begin
right away. And as you reach your goal weight you will gain better control of your blood
sugars. If you are having difficulty losing weight on your own, speak to your doctor
about other options that are available to you such as medication or possibly surgery.
Healthy Aging with Vitamins
Healthy Aging with Vitamin and Supplements
The aging progression in our bodies is an on going thing each day of our lives. Bringing the clock to a standstill is out of the questions so we need to take care of ourselves on a daily basis. It is a known fact that as we age we need a dietary supplements and vitamins to substitute the declining bodily chemicals and substances.
Dietary supplements are sometimes needed because as we age our diets change and we eat less. Sometimes we eat more. As our skin and digestive system starts to change, so do our vitamin levels. In order to keep these levels up we may need to take a supplement to bring that level up where it belongs to keep us happy and healthy as we age.
Not having the right vitamins can cause cancers and chronic diseases to develop. We all need to understand the vitamins that we need and how they will help keep us stay healthy and safe. In all, we have two different kinds of vitamins, which one is the fat-soluble [A, D, E, K] and the second one is the water-soluble [B, C, P].
The fat-soluble vitamins if taken too much of can turn into a poison toxic. Our bodies produce Vitamin D and K, and the vitamins A and E need to come from our food or a supplement to help prevent cardiac disease and some cancers. Therefore, it is very important that you have the right amount of A, C, and E.
The water-soluble vitamins help the kidneys to rid of our excess waste on a daily basis so it is very important to get the right amount daily. You should consult with your physician to learn which vitamins and supplements are best suited for you.
TIP: CHIRO-KLEENZ is a healthy, natural herb tea that detoxifies and trims the system. It is designed for both men and women. NOTE: This tea will cleanse the body of poisons, yet you should note that the tea would cause cramping, and frequent bowel movement.
As we get older, our diets change and we don’t eat like we should. In addition, the foods we buy sometimes don’t have all or enough vitamins in them. The farmers are putting fertilizer and chemicals to make their crop larger and better and with all these chemicals, it lowers the vitamins that you get from your diet. Not eating the right diet or not enough can cause your vitamin level to drop. Some things you need to know are that Vitamin D is produced from the sun and the older we get the less we are outside, so by taking vitamin D it can help the brittle bones in our body and make them stronger.
You can find B-12 by eating the right lean red meats, chicken and drinking skim milk. Taking Vitamin B-12 and B-6 it helps to reduce heart disease. B-12 will help the red blood cells produce and maintain the nervous system as well too.
Are you not taking vitamins because it is too hard to swallow them?
Some of us as we get older have a hard time swallowing, stay healthy by buying liquid vitamins. If you are not sure what ones come in liquid form ask your doctor and he can help you decide what you need and tell you if they are in liquid form or not. Some pills can’t be cut up or crushed because they lose their strength, so stay healthy and look for the liquid type.
One of the most important things about healthy aging is to have a well balance meal three times a day. Take your medications and vitamin everyday as your doctor has prescribed and enjoy life.
Healthy Aging and your Quality of Life
The quality of healthy aging
From the day we are all born, we age everyday. As a young person, we don’t think about the later years in our life. We live in a very fast pace world today and it causes a lot of stress in our lives and as time goes on, the stress will affect us increasingly.
Everyone young and old, we all need to take care of our bodies and minds. By taking care of ourselves, it keeps us thinking, moving and helps prevent major illnesses such and cancer and many other diseases. We all have to work at keeping ourselves healthy and there is no better time than right now. The younger you start taking care of yourself the better it is; by starting early your catching things before they have time to progress.
So right now, start of by eating healthy. Keep an eye on that diet and make sure your not overeating, but eat enough to get vitamins you need to have. A good multivitamin is a good way to start adding supplements to what you don’t get in your food.
Food doesn’t always have the amount of vitamins anymore like they use to, and that starts at the farmer’s level. Don’t blame the farmer for this because they are just doing their jobs the same way we all go to ours everyday. The farmer has to add fertilizer, chemicals and even water to their crops to make them grow bigger, faster and for beauty too. Adding all these chemicals eat up all the natural vitamins that you need. Water has chemicals in it too; one reason why your water needs to be tested at least once a year especially if you have well water. Once the food is grown and ready to be shipped it is polished, coated to keep it nice and fresh looking during shipment, which is why this will take away some of the vitamins as well. Try to eat as much, homegrown food as you can and not processed foods. Fresh homegrown food is the best, since you get natural vitamins.
A good multivitamin isn’t going to hurt anyone. It is known that people who take a multivitamin everyday is in better health than someone who doesn’t. Sometimes your doctor may want you to take extra vitamin, as we grow older because our bodies change and sometimes require more of something. In addition, as we grow older our eating habits change and we don’t eat as much or we want to lose weight and don’t eat the right foods. Nevertheless, remember you can lose weight and still eat right.
As we grow older our bodies and mind change. All the stress we had growing up and continue through out our lives. Relieve that stress as much as possible because it can do a lot of harm to us. Stress is known to be a major factor for poor heart conditions, strokes, and it will lower our immune system, as we grow older.
A regular exercise program is good for all ages and helps relieve stress at the early ages as well. If only families took time out maybe as a family with their children and made it a part of their lives that would help relieve it during the younger years.
A person who learns and enjoys exercising on a daily basis will keep during it, as they grow older as well.
Exercising will help the older person to keep those bones more flexible so they don’t get stiff and weak. The heart gets benefit from exercising too. Exercise will cause the heart to produce naturally, by working it harder to keep it highly flavored. Exercising helps to keep our bodies toned up and helps us to lose weight, or at most keeping the weight maintained.
Remember starting early can help later in years to make your life healthier and more contented.
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- yoga (1)
- Harmful Chemicals Found in Cigarettes
- Choosing an Acupuncture School
- The Basics of Shiatsu Massage
- Get Healthier with Herbal Medicine
- Obesity and Pre-Diabetes
- What to do to Treat Down Syndrome?
- Acupuncture: Questions & Answers
- Aikido in Everyday Life to Increase Your Health
- Famous Alternative Herbal Medicines Used Today
- Socializing to Continue Healthy Aging
- The Problems of Metabolic Linked with Obesity and ...
- Lossing Weight Using Herbal Medicine
- Signs and Symptoms of Down Syndrome
- Acupuncture Is An Alternative to Prescription Drugs
- Consume The Right Vitamins Will Promote The Health...
- Get The Longevity and The Healthy Aging
- Why People Can Get Down Syndrome
- Chinese Herbal Medicine for Western Children
- Is Acupuncture Real or Just a Myth?
- Exercise to Avoid The Diabetes
- Natural Healing Method Using Alternative Herbal Me...
- Shiatsu Massage – A Worldwide Popular Acupressure ...
- Enjoying Yoga to Live Healthy Aging
- Support for Diabetics Struggling with Obesity
- Losing Weight and Controlling Blood Sugar
- Healthy Aging with Vitamins
- Healthy Aging and your Quality of Life