Ever since shiatsu massage therapy was brought into the healthcare market, many people has been benefiting from it. It is now popular worldwide and if you are reading this, you are probably interested to try it too. Why not? But first, let's see how shiatsu will benefit you.

Health Philosophy

Shiatsu adheres to the philosophy that in order to have healthy benefits, the vital energy, 'qi' for Chinese people and 'ki' for Japanese people, should flow the entire body through its meridians, which are the series of pathways. Other oriental health massage or therapy practices, like the acupuncture, also use these meridians principle likewise believing that these can be blocked once energy is not allowed to flow freely, subsequently producing symptoms of some diseases.

How It Is Applied

In the case of shiatsu, manipulative technique and pressure are used to adjust your body and allow the vital energy to flow generously. The pressure is applied onto the acupuncture points together with manipulating and stretching the body. 

The techniques include dynamic rotations, palm pressing and gentle holding on the elbows, knee, feet and knees on your meridians. Shiatsu massage does not utilize massage oil and performed on you with full clothes on.

It is believed that this therapy can benefit those people suffering with any of the conditions, such as: migraines, arthritis, joint problems, muscular pain, stress, chronic fatigue, digestive and skin orders.

The massage therapy typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes. This is done via sessions, with the first expected to be longer than the succeeding ones since the shiatsu therapist requires medical history, lifestyle detail, and other health information from you.

You will be applied with the massage with you lying down whether on a padded mat, at a floor level, or on a couch. If not, a shiatsu massage chair will be used, which is now gaining popularity because of its convenience and benefits.

A combination of different treatment styles are often applied by the shiatsu practitioners.

These include Tsubo therapy, which uses methods like needles, electrical devices, massage, and moxa, focusing on the pressure point natures. The moxa is an herbal plant derived, believed to prevent and treat diseases via heat application.

Namikoshi Shiatsu is another style which emphasizes more on physical techniques like rubbing on specific body areas and pressing to assist to its healing.

Zen Shiatsu, on the other hand, is the third style, which as opposed to particular points used on other styles, concentrates on the entire meridian points and performed with both hands.

What Are To Be Expected After The Therapy

After the massage treatment, the clients are expected to find new sense of energy levels, as well as relaxed muscles while joints with improved mobility. It is also normal for them to experience muscle soreness and mild headaches after the treatment but should disappear only after a few hours of rest.

The application of Shiatsu massage therapy depends on the condition of the client. The normal course would continue with sessions lasting up to 6 or even 10 treatments. However, most clients who experienced the benefits of the therapy continue to avail even after the condition is gone.

This is not a problem since shiatsu massage therapy is safe as long as it is performed by only qualified practitioner or therapist. It is deeply relaxing and releases the tension all throughout your body that you can still continue especially on the rough days that you went through.