Even before you are diagnosed with diabetes, if you are obese, your blood sugars are most likely elevated. High blood sugar levels in a body over a prolonged period of time can have devastating affects on your body. You may not be showing symptoms of high blood sugars but your doctor will most likely do a routine blood test if you are obese to check for pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

People can go for years or even decades with undiagnosed pre-diabetes or type 2
diabetes. Over this time, their blood glucose will be at above average range and this can
due internal damage. Once you find out that you are pre diabetic it is wise to change
your lifestyle and eating habits to prevent the onset of diabetes. For people who have
already been diagnosed with diabetes, they can still experience damage from
hyperglycemia if they are not controlling their diabetes effectively.

Hyperglycemia that goes unchecked for a long period of time can cause kidney damage
up to the point of kidney failure that will require dialysis or a transplant. It also causes
nerve damage, particularly to feet and the lower legs. People suffering from
hyperglycemia will heal slowly and will have intestinal problems including diarrhea and
can have eye difficulties leading to eyesight problems.

As soon as you find out that you are diabetic, test your blood glucose regularly to keep an
eye on your levels. You will need to work closely with your health care team to bring
your blood sugars under control. You can lessen the effects of prolonged hyperglycemia
by keeping your diabetes under control. If you have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes
but have been told you are pre-diabetic follow a healthy eating plan including plenty of
physical activity to get healthier and keep your blood glucose levels in check.